Fit & Frugal Podcast

Abundance & Personal Transformation: Dr. Leslie Kalyn's Insights on Authentic Living & Inner Power

September 10, 2023 Tawni Nguyen, Dr. Leslie Kalyn Season 1 Episode 8

Hey Fit & Frugal Tribe!

Are your intentions blocking your success?

Today's episode is an enlightening journey with Dr. Leslie Kalyn! She’s not just a nurse practitioner; Dr. Leslie is a beacon of healing and self-discovery.

We dive into Dr. Leslie's personal awakening story, exploring how she found alignment with her true self. She’s passionate about the power of intention, and she guides us through understanding the obstacles that block us from reaching our goals.

We delve into the realms of abundance, discussing how our conditioning about money influences our ability to manifest wealth and how abundance transcends just the financial aspects of our lives.

Dr. Leslie also shares invaluable insights on the carnivore diet, meditation, and the profound impact of being present. She believes in the magic of connecting with our authentic selves to manifest desires and live a life brimming with fulfillment.

Dr. Leslie Kalyn, D.N.P., is more than a healthcare professional; she's a Total Transformation Coach, International Speaker, Podcaster, and Author. With her rich background in Nursing Practice and her entrepreneurial spirit, she's been guiding people to create health, wealth, and happiness by aligning with their heartfelt desires.

Leslie’s clientele spans from the USA to Europe and beyond. She's a voice in global summits on personal growth and business development. Born in Canada with Ukrainian heritage, Leslie's also a competitive Argentine tango dancer who loves globetrotting and giving back.

Get ready to be inspired by Dr. Leslie's journey from self-discovery to helping others find their path to wellness and fulfillment. It's a conversation that will resonate with everyone seeking to live a life true to themselves!

Key Takeaways:
We have the power to reverse aging and regenerate our bodies by aligning with our authentic selves and harnessing the power of our consciousness.
When setting goals, it's important to examine our intentions and understand any blocks or limiting beliefs that may be holding us back.
Abundance is not just about money; it can be experienced in all areas of life, including love, peace, and joy.
Meditation is a powerful tool for training the mind and becoming present in the moment.
Being present and connecting with our authentic selves is the key to manifesting our desires and living a fulfilling life.

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0:00:00 - (Dr. Leslie): We know that we don't have to age. There's a lot of people that don't age and that can reverse age. So I don't subscribe to that. I've just separated myself from those belief systems, not just in my mind, but in my consciousness. I just don't agree with them. If people just flowed, if they knew who they were and they aligned with themselves, and then they intended and they went from like they wanted from that space, shit. Gets so easy.

0:00:28 - (Dr. Leslie): Is my desire for this amount of money really because I want the money? What's the intention? Like, why do you want it? What are you going to do with it? And what are my blocks to achieving it?

0:00:42 - (Tawni Nguyen): Welcome back to the Fit and Frugal podcast. I am your host, Tawni Nguyen. You can find me on IG at Tawnisaurus here. Today I have with me Dr. Leslie.

0:00:49 - (Dr. Leslie): Hello. Hello. I'm still giggling.

0:00:53 - (Tawni Nguyen): Such an honor to have your presence here.

0:00:57 - (Dr. Leslie): We had a little bit of a riot before we started recording, so we have to calm the downness here.

0:01:04 - (C): Let's get sterile.

0:01:05 - (Tawni Nguyen): So tell me about yourself.

0:01:06 - (Dr. Leslie): Well, where shall I begin? I don't know. I'm Dr. Leslie. I have a doctorate nursing practice. Nurse practitioner. Been practicing for a gazillion years.

0:01:19 - (C): Stepped back.

0:01:21 - (Dr. Leslie): I'm from Canada originally. Moved here to the US.

0:01:25 - (C): Specifically here, Las Vegas in 2006, I think.

0:01:30 - (Dr. Leslie): 17 years ago. Yeah, 18 in August.

0:01:33 - (Tawni Nguyen): Math checked out something.

0:01:35 - (Dr. Leslie): Or maybe it doesn't.

0:01:36 - (Tawni Nguyen): Something like that.

0:01:37 - (C): Whatever.

0:01:38 - (Dr. Leslie): So, yeah, I'm canadian, which is kind of fun being canadian in the United States. Even though I've been here for so long, I still embrace the canadianness in me, I think.

0:01:48 - (C): Yeah, I cannot be beaten out of lot.

0:01:53 - (Tawni Nguyen): Is there a lot of other Canadians here?

0:01:55 - (Dr. Leslie): Do you have a community? No. No. But they do come down a lot.

0:02:00 - (C): Like, Canadians are everywhere.

0:02:03 - (Dr. Leslie): Like, whenever I'm driving around, I'll see Alberta license plates. Like, Alberta is where I'm from. It's the province, like, right above Montana. So there's a lot of snowbirds. A lot of people from Alberta specifically come here. So I do run into them all the time. But I don't know if there's really a community. There's not like a chat group. Maybe there is a chat group, I don't know. Or some sort of like a support.

0:02:21 - (Tawni Nguyen): Emotional support.

0:02:22 - (Dr. Leslie): Emotional support for the Canadians. Especially after this fucking hockey game. Oh, my God. The Golden Knights beat out my even.

0:02:31 - (C): It's a sore subject.

0:02:32 - (Dr. Leslie): I can't even watch, really.

0:02:34 - (Tawni Nguyen): It's like, okay to cry. I don't have any tissues, but you can use this plan.

0:02:40 - (Dr. Leslie): No, it was. It was totally sore. So there were a bunch of canadian people on social media and stuff that we were kind of following the oilers and the knights and everything. So when they lost, we were like, oh, boo.

0:02:51 - (C): But I don't see Canadians being very mad.

0:02:54 - (Tawni Nguyen): They're just so nice. Any Canadians I've met, overall, they're so fucking nice. I don't see them really.

0:03:00 - (Dr. Leslie): Darn, that was life crushing. Yeah.

0:03:03 - (Tawni Nguyen): I don't see them flipping a table.

0:03:05 - (C): Or, like, you know.

0:03:06 - (Dr. Leslie): No, not really. But it's changed post pandemic. So we were talking a little bit about this before, too.

0:03:11 - (C): Like how before we were very calm, peaceful people.

0:03:16 - (Dr. Leslie): We always came in peace. We were apologizing. I'm so sorry for everything. Like, oh, I'm sorry for just our existence. Sorry for breathing. Should I not breathe here? Really? I still catch myself sometimes saying sorry. No one's even in the room, and I'm saying sorry, I bumped into nothing, and I'm saying sorry.

0:03:38 - (Tawni Nguyen): Should a ghost cock?

0:03:39 - (Dr. Leslie): The ghost cock. Yeah, for sure. Garbling that stuff. Do not do that. Do not garble ghost postcock. For sure. We will talk about that later. No, we are very nice people, but with the pandemic and everything that went down with the government, and I don't know if you're following some of the riots and whatnot, they're not going to be happy people anymore. It's like you poked them for too.

0:04:03 - (C): Long, too hard, and it's kind of.

0:04:05 - (Dr. Leslie): Like they peeked behind the wizard of Oz curtain and they saw the goblin.

0:04:10 - (C): There, and they're really not going to.

0:04:13 - (Dr. Leslie): Be that nice, I don't think, in the next. Well, it's happening now, but they really feel like it's communist.

0:04:21 - (C): Like it's just not a good place to be anymore.

0:04:24 - (Dr. Leslie): So I don't feel that they're going to be really friendly, especially this next generation. It's just the complete dynamic has changed.

0:04:30 - (C): Yeah. So they're going to become american.

0:04:34 - (Dr. Leslie): Angry american, like the rest of us. Right. Revolting and entitled and whatever else.

0:04:40 - (Tawni Nguyen): It's terrible diet.

0:04:41 - (C): All good things, et cetera, and have terrible diets, et cetera. Terrible diets. Yeah. You guys have free health care up there. I don't know.

0:04:48 - (Dr. Leslie): Is it free, though? That's the thing.

0:04:50 - (Tawni Nguyen): Nothing is free. Right?

0:04:51 - (Dr. Leslie): It's very interesting you say that, because when I first came here and did my master's program for the nurse practitioner program, they put me in my very first practicum in a managed care organization.

0:05:05 - (C): Which is basically.

0:05:10 - (Dr. Leslie): You have one health insurance, and then you go there also for your health care. It's not like a separate health insurance, and you can go wherever, like a PPO. It's like an HMO type thing.

0:05:19 - (C): And it was the most similar to.

0:05:21 - (Dr. Leslie): The canadian health system because it's kind of free ish, but it's all, like, under one house. They thought it would be the easiest.

0:05:28 - (C): Way for me to go from this.

0:05:31 - (Dr. Leslie): Completely one payer system, one healthcare system, to kind of like one healthcare system esque situation. What really tripped me up my very first day was my pediatric rotation. I walk into the clinic, never been into an american healthcare clinic before, and.

0:05:50 - (C): I'm like, what is that doing there.

0:05:52 - (Dr. Leslie): As a cash register? I'm like, you have to pay.

0:05:57 - (C): I don't understand. You have to pay something for health care.

0:06:01 - (Dr. Leslie): And they were like, yeah, they explained the whole thing. And then the insurance companies, I'm like, oh, my God. No wonder 30% of your health care costs are lost in administration. Like, it's just the administration is like a huge burden to the american system. So, yeah, back in Canada it's free. At least in Alberta, it's free because it's a very oil rich province, so.

0:06:22 - (C): We don't have any premium.

0:06:25 - (Dr. Leslie): But you throw your shoulder out or you get into an injury, it's six months before you can get an MRI.

0:06:32 - (C): Like, my brother, literally, he's a bodybuilder.

0:06:36 - (Dr. Leslie): And whatever, but he literally stepped off a curb and coughed at the same time, and he dislocated his shoulder. He was just, like, hanging like this at his shoulder. It was totally disgusting.

0:06:48 - (Tawni Nguyen): It's really funny.

0:06:49 - (Dr. Leslie): And the stars align. He's like, step up, and then it's just out of his socket. And the poor guy, he could not get an MRI for six months. So he went to the ER, they popped it back in, and he was in and out of popping his shoulder out. Like, he would just cough or lift a weight or sewing it wrong, and the fucking thing would just pop out of his socket. So he was learning how to put it back in himself. It's so painful when you dislocate a shoulder, it is so painful.

0:07:14 - (Dr. Leslie): So, I mean, it's free, but here you complain of a headache or you get whatever.

0:07:20 - (C): It's like, you get an MRI right.

0:07:22 - (Dr. Leslie): Now, maybe three days wait, so they have to control the cause. It's not a great place now. Post pandemic, forget it. When I was working as a chief.

0:07:30 - (C): Operating officer before the pandemic, I was.

0:07:33 - (Dr. Leslie): Developing an international medical tourism division to this one organization. And we were going to bring Canadians here for spine and neck and brain surgeries or whatever. It was a year and a half wait.

0:07:45 - (C): Oh, really?

0:07:46 - (Dr. Leslie): For a necessary joint surgery?

0:07:49 - (C): A year and a half wait? Post pandemic, it's quadrupled in time.

0:07:54 - (Dr. Leslie): Like, it's ridiculous because they couldn't do surgeries in Canada for the longest time because of the COVID thing. Everything shut down because you can't touch.

0:08:02 - (Tawni Nguyen): Other people kind of thing.

0:08:03 - (Dr. Leslie): Yeah, apparently you can catch COVID by blinking at someone from across the room or whatever because they had the vaccine.

0:08:11 - (C): Mandates and all the craziness, which I.

0:08:16 - (Dr. Leslie): Will not comment about.

0:08:18 - (C): Well, you're masked up. The person's asleep under, like, anesthesia, right.

0:08:23 - (Dr. Leslie): But you're breathing on them and you have to be all up in their space.

0:08:26 - (C): Yeah, whatever.

0:08:28 - (Dr. Leslie): I'm not even going to go there. We're not going to talk about COVID It did not happen. In my book, it happened, but it didn't happen. I don't want to even go there. But no. So the system has been very burdened. So yes, it's free, but you'll die.

0:08:42 - (C): Waiting or you'll be super crippled.

0:08:45 - (Dr. Leslie): So like in my brother's instance, he rehabilitated himself. So once he got to the surgeon and the whole thing, he basically rehabilitated himself. So there is something to say about having the weights because in the US we're like instant gratification. We want shit now. Yesterday I want to give you money. I want it before I know I want it kind of thing. And so people then, they want to go and get whatever they can. They want the easy way out.

0:09:13 - (Dr. Leslie): So in Canada, that is a great thing. Only if you heed the time and use it wisely. And you're just like, okay, maybe I should lose weight so that my knees aren't fucked up so that I can walk and do the things I want to do instead of just getting surgery and they're just going to be banged.

0:09:27 - (Tawni Nguyen): Up and be stuck in the pharmaceutical chain. Kind of like just let them circulate your entire health system within the system. Right.

0:09:36 - (Dr. Leslie): It's like once you're in, you're like in.

0:09:38 - (C): You're in.

0:09:38 - (Tawni Nguyen): That's how they can.

0:09:39 - (C): You can get out. It's like the matrix.

0:09:41 - (Dr. Leslie): You can eject yourself, but it takes a lot.

0:09:43 - (C): You have to be very strong and it's possible.

0:09:47 - (Dr. Leslie): I've seen it done. It can be done.

0:09:49 - (C): Yeah.

0:09:49 - (Tawni Nguyen): No, I do believe in a thing called self healing.

0:09:53 - (C): Yes.

0:09:53 - (Tawni Nguyen): It's because it's such an underrated, kind.

0:09:56 - (C): Of like woo woo topic that most.

0:09:58 - (Tawni Nguyen): People don't really bring up is because.

0:10:01 - (C): Of what you just said.

0:10:02 - (Tawni Nguyen): It's instant gratification. It's the conditioning of being dependent on a medical system that isn't really health care. Like, I call it sick care.

0:10:09 - (C): It's because they only treat you when.

0:10:11 - (Tawni Nguyen): You'Re sick, and they kind of keep you sick. Right to in a certain amount.

0:10:15 - (Dr. Leslie): Absolutely.

0:10:15 - (C): Health care isn't really health care here.

0:10:18 - (Tawni Nguyen): Like, health care is health care. So if you really take care of your health, you technically would never need to go to the doctor.

0:10:23 - (C): Besides, if you're going to get Lasik.

0:10:26 - (Tawni Nguyen): Or something, you can't really just heal your eyeball, right?

0:10:30 - (Dr. Leslie): I really do think you can. I really do. I've one of those people who sort of ejected myself out of the western.

0:10:38 - (C): Medicine framework and many of the common, sort of accepted, commonly accepted ways of.

0:10:46 - (Dr. Leslie): Being and doing in the world. So I 100,000% believe we can regenerate ourselves and we can youth and we can heal. I mean, I've worked with different practitioners over the years, naturopaths, a couple of.

0:10:59 - (C): Different kinds, and just working, having gone.

0:11:01 - (Dr. Leslie): Through my own sort of ascension, my own awakening, and sort of being this man scientist with my own body and my own mind, and really connecting with what is real and knowing what isn't. Right. Everything starts from within, from the consciousness. I keep touching the microphone, sorry, producer.

0:11:23 - (C): Is going to give me shit.

0:11:25 - (Dr. Leslie): So everything starts within. Everything's vibrational, right? And so with enough effort and enough interconnection and awareness, and being able to really separate yourself from what you see and you think is real and what you know is real and what your intention is, you can create anything. Nothing is impossible. And I'm at the stage in my evolutionary process where I'm life hacking my physical body.

0:11:55 - (Dr. Leslie): So I did this through my mind.

0:11:56 - (C): So when I was a kid, I.

0:11:59 - (Dr. Leslie): Suffered from a lot of anxiety and.

0:12:01 - (C): Obsessive compulsive type things, and later on into depression. It was just, like, really horrible.

0:12:08 - (Dr. Leslie): And I went through this really crazy sort of spiritual awakening, if you will. I don't even like to use the word spiritual because people get so, like, the word spiritual and soul, like, the mainstream culture melting. Yeah, because there's these really frufu people who make it, who bastardize it. Right. It's really about our interconnection and being aware of who we are authentically. So when I kind of became in touch with that authentic part of myself and really started to understand the power that I have, as an individual, my consciousness, and harnessing the power of my mind in light of being authentically me, like, my godliness, my conscious, my true divine, true divine, whatever you want to call it, everything fucking changes.

0:12:55 - (Dr. Leslie): Then life starts. You get to start being sovereign, and the world starts reflecting what you are versus the other way around, where you're stuck in the outside dictating what your life is. You start being able to create or manifest or reflect back to you what is here. And that is also what we can do in our physical body. So I know the standard western medicine would think that I'm full of shit, and it doesn't work, and get out of here.

0:13:25 - (C): Whatever it is, what it is, they.

0:13:28 - (Dr. Leslie): Have their understanding, and there's a place for it. Sometimes if something is happening, you have a heart attack or whatever. Yes, we need it. But I do believe that as we evolve as people and we really want to regenerate, we can. It's not easy, but I 100,000% believe we have that capacity and power.

0:13:48 - (C): Yeah. Because every time I say that, I.

0:13:51 - (Tawni Nguyen): Think the paradigm kind of shifts through the conversation of, like, I guess transformative work isn't really just internal. Right? Everything is on a frequency. And once you kind of tap into, like, when you talk to people about 432 hertz, what you're currently vibrating at, or if you tell people, like, hey, I'm a Reiki master. I practice energy work. The eyes kind of shift, and the conversation changes. It's like, oh, so you buy rocks, right?

0:14:19 - (Dr. Leslie): I'm a hippie frolicking, not a care in the world.

0:14:23 - (Tawni Nguyen): Yes, you sit with the moon and.

0:14:24 - (Dr. Leslie): All of that stuff.

0:14:25 - (Tawni Nguyen): But lunation has another powerful essence to recharge us in a way that I think the moon hits us differently here too.

0:14:32 - (C): In Vegas.

0:14:33 - (Tawni Nguyen): I don't know if you feel the same kind of essence, but self healing is something that I truly believe in is because that's kind of how I felt like I was able to pull myself out of that existential crisis that I was in.

0:14:44 - (C): Right.

0:14:44 - (Tawni Nguyen): It's because the power of your mind, really, it's where you live, it's where you reside, but your body's nothing else.

0:14:49 - (C): But a skin bag. It's everything that holds you of your.

0:14:53 - (Tawni Nguyen): Humanness, but it's not your consciousness. It's on a soul level that you do the deep work at.

0:14:58 - (C): That's right. Yeah.

0:15:00 - (Dr. Leslie): The body is an expression.

0:15:01 - (C): It's our vehicle.

0:15:04 - (Dr. Leslie): We're not humans that have a spirit. We're souls or spirits or energy having a physical experience. It's the other way around.

0:15:13 - (C): So everything starts at the vibration level.

0:15:17 - (Dr. Leslie): Everything starts inside.

0:15:18 - (C): And harnessing the power of the mind.

0:15:21 - (Dr. Leslie): Is really, really important. But we also have to go even beyond that.

0:15:25 - (C): We have to connect with what's authentic.

0:15:30 - (Dr. Leslie): Inside, because the mind can only do so much. We could want something so bad and never be able to manifest it if it's not truly in align. If your soul or your essence is.

0:15:40 - (C): Like, bitch, you are supposed to do this.

0:15:43 - (Dr. Leslie): Like, you have to go there. And you're like, no, but I want to go this way. You will be able to get there so far, but you won't have the fulfillment, or you'll make the success or you'll fail or whatever. You're always trying to get to where you want to go. So for people to have the most fulfillment and the most success, and the most abundance and joy and peace and love and bliss and all those magical, beautiful things that can happen when you.

0:16:07 - (C): Really are aligned, it's aligning with your authentic self.

0:16:13 - (Dr. Leslie): Like it's really being and becoming who you are and aligning with that, and then creating or manifesting and intending from there. Then everything flows. Then it's like you get everything you.

0:16:23 - (C): Want because you actually are wanting what.

0:16:27 - (Dr. Leslie): Is true and real. You're not forcing, it's not going to take as much effort.

0:16:31 - (C): Like, if people just flowed, if they.

0:16:34 - (Dr. Leslie): Knew who they were and they aligned with themselves, and then they intended and they went from like they wanted, from that space. Shit gets so easy. Like, it's so much easier. Maybe not completely easy, but the flow is there. It's just.

0:16:47 - (C): Life is just more pleasant.

0:16:51 - (Dr. Leslie): Because when you come into that space.

0:16:53 - (C): You are at peace. You feel the love because you are love. Right? So then what do you need of.

0:17:01 - (Dr. Leslie): What are you striving for? What is the ego pulling at? Then you don't have it.

0:17:05 - (C): Yeah, I think a lot of suffering.

0:17:08 - (Tawni Nguyen): Comes from the root of it. It's like greed. Because we want, what we can't have is because we're forcing. Manifestation is because people are always thinking. Manifestation is sitting, wishing, waiting, wanting a thing, right? But really it's harnessing what it is that your divine wants. A lot of people, I feel like, just neglect their authentic self too.

0:17:29 - (C): I don't know if you feel that.

0:17:31 - (Tawni Nguyen): Yeah, but it's kind of hard to.

0:17:33 - (C): Explain, speaking, as I say, like two goddesses.

0:17:39 - (Tawni Nguyen): Like we're sitting in each other's presence, and there's no competition, there's no ego.

0:17:42 - (C): And once you kind of go on.

0:17:45 - (Tawni Nguyen): Like a vibrational match, things just kind of flow. And I think people just kind of force that into greed, into power, into money. It's because they want abundance and materialism, but I don't think they want it on a soul level.

0:17:56 - (C): Right.

0:17:56 - (Tawni Nguyen): It's because they're like, I'm deserving of all these things. But their energy doesn't really say that, right? They're not really pulling. They're trying to grab and take what's not theirs.

0:18:05 - (C): Right?

0:18:05 - (Dr. Leslie): And because it's not authentic, it's ego driven.

0:18:11 - (C): And the ego is conducting itself.

0:18:18 - (Dr. Leslie): And wanting from a place that is hurt.

0:18:22 - (C): And the ego does not have any.

0:18:26 - (Dr. Leslie): Real positive intent, I believe, because it's very primal. There's so much that is being poured into the ego. All of the subconscious crap, all the conditioning, everything that we're exposed to around us is just telling us what we want. And so our egos are just telling, that's what you want, that's what you need. This is what everyone is doing, so this is what you want. And so from that, there's lack, there's not enoughness.

0:18:52 - (C): I have to do this because I.

0:18:54 - (Dr. Leslie): Want to impress so and so. All of that is not authentic. It's not from a place of love. So it's going to be challenging. You might be able to get it with enough determination, but something is going to suffer because there is no flow from the ego. You could absolutely create billions of dollars.

0:19:11 - (C): From an ego desired place, but you will 100% suffer in your relationships, in your physical.

0:19:21 - (Dr. Leslie): Or something is going to fall apart, because you just can't manifest that type.

0:19:27 - (C): Of greatness from the ego without something breaking. If it's authentic, then it'll flow, it'll.

0:19:35 - (Dr. Leslie): Be easy, and everything will be in harmony.

0:19:37 - (Tawni Nguyen): Yeah, everyone talks about a lot of abundance, mindset, and how to rewire your. Like, what you're saying, it's a lot of fear and control base. It's all medulla based.

0:19:46 - (C): Right?

0:19:46 - (Tawni Nguyen): It's because it's the old primitive brain, because we're not really tapping into the full prefrontal. I did a lot of reading with Joe Dispenser and all that stuff back in the day, and I didn't really realize the full potential of the human brain and how it can actually rewire itself. And like, neuroplasticity, it's like an entire, I wouldn't say like books on books on books, on the capacity of how we can optimize the way we operate just as individual human beings. Just to read better, just to remember better, just to function better and have healthier relationships. It kind of starts with the relationship with self. And what you do in your body kind of manifests itself into the world and that into relationship with others, too.

0:20:26 - (C): Yeah.

0:20:27 - (Dr. Leslie): Abundance is a funny thing, because abundance can be anything abundant. It can be all things abundant. It can be abundance of love, or.

0:20:36 - (C): Abundance of peace or.

0:20:39 - (Dr. Leslie): Most people want abundance of money, right? Because as much as we want to deny it, money is the currency right now that we use to live and be material in this world as part.

0:20:53 - (C): Of this construct that we live in. But too, is also.

0:20:57 - (Dr. Leslie): It's just energy, right?

0:20:59 - (C): It's just a creation of your vibe, right?

0:21:04 - (Dr. Leslie): But yeah, people want abundance usually for the wrong reasons.

0:21:07 - (C): And it's generally from the place of.

0:21:12 - (Dr. Leslie): Not wanting to be broke or wanting to have more for another reason. Oftentimes it's to fill. It's not always necessarily authentic. So people have a hard time manifesting it because they have all of these blocks and restrictions, and there's just so much. It's like spirituality and meditation. Money falls into that same category.

0:21:32 - (C): And love, they're like taboo.

0:21:34 - (Dr. Leslie): There's so much negative charge around money, because over our entire human existence, people have stolen, they've been beheaded, they've been like. All sorts of horrible things happen when you've either stolen money or you've been stolen from if you had too much. There's so much collective charge with it that people are fucked up when it comes to money. They just are energetically vibrational. Whether they believe in past lives or not, it is a fucking mess.

0:22:05 - (Dr. Leslie): And so everyone wants it because that's the currency. But there's so much negative charge that people have.

0:22:11 - (C): They're holding inside their energy bodies that.

0:22:14 - (Dr. Leslie): Needs to be shifted out of. So you're trying to go there with your ego. But if you have all of these blocks in your chakras, if you believe in that or your morphogenetic field or wherever you believe it, there is something being held there. You need to work through it.

0:22:29 - (C): And you do that inner work, and you can really kind of hash it.

0:22:32 - (Dr. Leslie): Out and understand the beliefs and what your subconscious is saying and what's being held in your physiology and all the things. You're not going to be able to get over it. There are some people who are born into these wealthy families. They don't have any of those blocks.

0:22:43 - (C): Because they were never raised in it. But the majority of us on the planet have been challenged with money or.

0:22:52 - (Dr. Leslie): Abundance or whatever, and they just can't get over it because they're going there with the mind, mind control, our own control of our mind is really important, but it is deeper. It has to be aligned, too.

0:23:05 - (C): Right?

0:23:06 - (Dr. Leslie): And again, it's going in and figuring out where those blocks are. Where are those sensitive places? Is my desire for this amount of money really because I want the money? What's the intention? Like, why do you want it? What are you going to do with it? And what are my blocks to achieving it? Those are questions people need to ask themselves, because oftentimes it isn't necessarily the money that they want.

0:23:32 - (Dr. Leslie): It's the feeling they want the money to give them. That's where people get lost.

0:23:36 - (Tawni Nguyen): The freedom, but they don't know or the freedom.

0:23:38 - (Dr. Leslie): And freedom maybe isn't the $5 million that you want. Maybe you really need a lot less to give you that sense of freedom. But they just slap a number out there or something because that's what they think that they want.

0:23:50 - (Tawni Nguyen): Quantifiable.

0:23:52 - (Dr. Leslie): It is. Yeah, it is. But when manifesting an abundance or anything.

0:23:56 - (C): Really, I always teach this as connecting.

0:24:00 - (Dr. Leslie): With the feeling, like becoming the feeling of what you want.

0:24:04 - (C): So if you're wanting to create abundance, whatever that looks like, you want to.

0:24:09 - (Dr. Leslie): Get into that still space. I don't like to use the word meditation. It's a profanity in my wheelhouse now, because everyone hates meditation. Everyone has done it, and they say it doesn't work. So just getting still, getting quiet and.

0:24:21 - (C): Still inside and really feel what it.

0:24:24 - (Dr. Leslie): Would feel like to have the money or the abundance that you want and see what visions come up and see what life would be like and connect to the feeling and grow that feeling so that it's vibrating in every cell of your body. That shit will manifest for you. And then let go of what the dollar looks like and just be that and embody that and have that image and then let it go. That's the thing people forget, too, is.

0:24:49 - (C): They forget to just back off.

0:24:52 - (Dr. Leslie): And I struggle with that, too. I'm struggling with that right now. In fact, in one area of my life, I'm, like, pushing you push, push, push. Because I'm a type a. I type a all over myself, type a personality all over myself sometimes. And I go, oh, God, I'm trying too hard. You need to let go. One of my dear friends told me.

0:25:11 - (C): His whole perspective of this is there's energy and inactivity.

0:25:17 - (Dr. Leslie): Because when you finally release, when you push too hard, you're creating resistance. So when you just release and you.

0:25:23 - (C): Let it go, that's when the magic happens.

0:25:26 - (Dr. Leslie): When you redirect your attention or you just stop. It's like oftentimes you finally give up. The thing that you want arrives.

0:25:34 - (C): Have you ever heard of that?

0:25:35 - (Dr. Leslie): You probably experienced that in your life. It's the same thing.

0:25:38 - (C): You just need to go, like, okay.

0:25:42 - (Dr. Leslie): You don't have to necessarily give up and be sad about it, which is, okay. I'm going to redirect energy, and then in that moment or shortly thereafter, oftentimes what you want arises.

0:25:51 - (C): So that's what I use.

0:25:55 - (Dr. Leslie): I think that's what people are missing in their manifestation process. They try to go there so much with their mind and ego, and then they do do, and they're human beings. We need to be the vibration and.

0:26:04 - (C): Feel it versus do. Yeah, that's been my model lately. Do less. Just be more is because there's simplicity.

0:26:12 - (Tawni Nguyen): And just, like, it's really powerful to just be and exist within your own existence. I don't know if that makes sense. Yes, but just be in your body, be in your feelings, like, feel yourself, be alive.

0:26:24 - (C): How do you be? How do you be? I idle. I idle.

0:26:28 - (Tawni Nguyen): It's really hard to do nothing is because I come from a type a field to hospitality I'm planning. My brain's like 80 tabs all at once. I still struggle with that. But now, lately, I think my manifestation blocks actually comes from that exact thing.

0:26:44 - (C): That you just said is the ability.

0:26:46 - (Tawni Nguyen): To see all of these tabs, to try all of the tabs, knowing that my body needs to do nothing and just kind of allow and surrender and just to receive. But I'm right there to where I can't, because I can't let go of that control. And I understand the power of manifestation. I understand how energy works, but my mind is still blocked at that very.

0:27:06 - (C): Singular moment, right, to let go in.

0:27:09 - (Tawni Nguyen): The quantum field, it's like that directional points. I'm right there. It's because I know what I need to do.

0:27:14 - (C): I just need to physically do it. What do you need to do just.

0:27:18 - (Tawni Nguyen): To let it go?

0:27:19 - (Dr. Leslie): You need to let it go.

0:27:20 - (Tawni Nguyen): Let go, like, let go of the control and the need to feel like I have everything in order.

0:27:26 - (C): And that surrender, that idol. It's a sweet spot.

0:27:30 - (Tawni Nguyen): It's like the ability to do nothing.

0:27:31 - (C): And I think when you brought up.

0:27:33 - (Tawni Nguyen): How meditation is kind of like this awkward word or whatever, it's because people are expecting meditation to solve problems, for them to not think about anything. But I think for me, meditation, how it's helped me with anxiety and depression, is just witnessing my thoughts come and seeing what's really within my mind, it's because people can't really sit still with themselves and kind of go to a place to see those 98 tabs.

0:27:57 - (Tawni Nguyen): And how do you get 98 down.

0:27:59 - (C): To 17 down to three down to.

0:28:01 - (Tawni Nguyen): Like, one and a half? And it's just being there with that very important thing and just letting it go. And that's breath work. That's a lot of meditative process that's really powerful.

0:28:12 - (C): It hurts.

0:28:13 - (Tawni Nguyen): Sometimes you sit there and you're like, why do I feel this?

0:28:17 - (C): Yeah, absolutely. To circumvent that. It's stepping into presence. So meditation is how I describe it is.

0:28:31 - (Dr. Leslie): It's the exercise in which to help.

0:28:33 - (C): You get to the point of being able to be present in wakeful life.

0:28:37 - (Dr. Leslie): So, like, meditation is conditioning. It's like the training. It is very therapeutic. It's very helpful for all the things that people use them for, like, stress reduction and for connecting with spiritual things. All the things.

0:28:50 - (C): But it's also very good training to.

0:28:53 - (Dr. Leslie): Just get you to be able to, in a conscious state when you're sitting.

0:28:57 - (C): With someone, be able to be fully.

0:29:00 - (Dr. Leslie): Present where you can be in yourself and listen to the other person and be an observer.

0:29:06 - (C): So in that state, nothing else exists.

0:29:10 - (Dr. Leslie): You're totally present. There is no talk, there's no subconscious bullshit.

0:29:15 - (C): There's no chatter. You're just being and you're observing.

0:29:20 - (Dr. Leslie): It's like a wakeful meditation is how I describe it. So that's where we all need to be. Lots of gurus talk about it. But until you practice or you've actually.

0:29:32 - (C): Had your first moment where you are in the present, that moment is just.

0:29:38 - (Dr. Leslie): Like, holy shit, it's so fucking cool because you're like, nothing. There was none of that mind chatter.

0:29:42 - (C): Like, everything was quiet.

0:29:43 - (Dr. Leslie): Oh, my God, those 80 tabs just, poof. They just went away. And I was just being.

0:29:48 - (C): And in that stillness, in that presence, magic happens.

0:29:54 - (Dr. Leslie): That's when you get that divine inspiration and that idea hits or, like, you run into someone or whatever. That is real living. That's what people are missing. Meditation is great. And all the things, whatever, we have a hard time doing it. I try and teach people to do more to get past that, because people are so add these days, which is fine, it's cool. Like, whatever. There's so much coming at us. We just have to find another way around doing the stillness.

0:30:26 - (Dr. Leslie): So I have people do on their bike, if they're exercising, do a moving meditation. I used to do that where I would listen to a guided meditation.

0:30:37 - (C): I'd be on my bike, and I'd.

0:30:39 - (Dr. Leslie): Be literally at the lifetime or wherever I was going, and I'd be on the bike, the stationary bike, and I'd be listening to sky meditation.

0:30:47 - (C): I'd be lost in it, and all.

0:30:50 - (Dr. Leslie): Of a sudden the thing would be off. And I'm like, holy shit, it's been 39 minutes. My body was moving. I wasn't even aware I was so in it. So training your body to be able to do two things at once is a good way to do it.

0:31:00 - (C): So walking in the park and listening to some beautiful music or listening to.

0:31:07 - (Dr. Leslie): The birds chirping or focusing on the wind blowing through the trees and just practicing presence and stop with the meditation. Just cut through the bullshit and just practice being like, connecting with movement and alertness and focusing on one thing while you're awake. That's going to be the easiest way, because then when you can do that, you're going to be able to, again, not have to go into meditation. People will use it as an escapism.

0:31:35 - (C): I did it.

0:31:36 - (Dr. Leslie): Oh, my spiritual awakening. My fucking life fell apart. And I was like, oh, my God, this world is so scary. It just happens to you. There's 500 carpets underneath me, and they're all being pulled out. I'm like, I don't know what is underneath that, but I think it's hell because it's getting hot and my life is getting so scary and oh, my God. So I would meditate for 6 hours a day, like, in three hour chunks and having all these crazy out of body experiences, I'm like, yes, I want to live in this space of no body and no scariness.

0:32:12 - (Dr. Leslie): Three and three. Yeah, for sure. I did that for a good solid couple of weeks. It was just, life got really scary. So I totally was spiritually escaping with meditation. So you can use it in very not healthy ways. And so when you're all in your head and, like, life's all beautiful and whatever, life falls apart because you have to be in your body, you can't be up here all the time. You have to be in your physical body.

0:32:35 - (Dr. Leslie): So I've stopped teaching the meditation and going up to come down because people go up and they're like, oh, this is so nice. Why do I want to come down? It's like, dude, call me in six months when your life is a shit show. And then I'll tell you why. Because we'll have a number of reasons of exactly what you did wrong. Trust me, I've done them all. So let's not go up to come down let's merge them all and bridge them together. So walking meditations or just. It's about being present. We want people to just be present.

0:33:05 - (Dr. Leslie): That's the key in the way. That's the key to yourself. That's the key to that silence when you have those moments of stillness. So when I was very much in the spiritual community and I had, like, my crazy time when I had a bottle of pills in my hands and I was like, I guess I'm going to do this shit. In that stillness, because I had practiced so much meditating.

0:33:24 - (C): In that stillness, I used to say.

0:33:27 - (Dr. Leslie): In the stillness, the word of God speaks. And I don't say God anymore. That's a taboo word. And I don't really talk about spirituality, but really in that moment, I heard the words whether whoever it came from God, myself, alien, I don't know. Whatever. Whoever spoke to me, whatever it was, was divine. And it just resonated. Like, you don't have to do this.

0:33:46 - (C): There's a better way.

0:33:48 - (Dr. Leslie): And so when you connect in that moment of stillness where I was like, holy shit, this is real. Everything just shut down. I just remember feeling open. Everything went quiet, and I was still. And in those moments, so that was a very, very pivotal moment in my life. Like, I was going to exit or I had to get in my body and start making shit happen. So in that still moment, I saved my life. In that still moment, I got some real fucking advice. Like, okay, it felt real. It felt good, and I could follow through.

0:34:19 - (Dr. Leslie): So in the present moment, all of the answers are there. We have them all inside of us. Even if that answer is go call a friend. In my case, it was, pick up the phone and call your mom that you haven't spoken to in a year. Fuck, I have to make that phone call. And so you do it, and then it's like, oh, shit, things start happening. So here is where everything starts and everything is created and all the answers are.

0:34:47 - (Dr. Leslie): And it's all about just presence. Not meditation, but start with that still presence, breathing, however people want to do.

0:34:55 - (C): It, but connect in a wakeful state is what I would do. How long ago was your spiritual awakening.

0:35:04 - (Dr. Leslie): Started? End of 2016 ish, after I separated from my ex husband. And it was about six months after that.

0:35:16 - (C): Yeah. So it took you to, like, what.

0:35:19 - (Tawni Nguyen): You would call rock bottom, too?

0:35:21 - (C): Oh, yeah. I hit way rock bottom. Yeah.

0:35:25 - (Dr. Leslie): I met someone who was doing some really horrible, shady things. I was working with him in a clinic, and it became very toxic and unhealthy and abusive.

0:35:37 - (C): And then I had the feds knocking on my door. No way.

0:35:41 - (Dr. Leslie): I was indicted.

0:35:43 - (C): For what? Coming with us, lady.

0:35:46 - (Dr. Leslie): So it was for. He had the scheme going on. Like this kick. It wasn't just a kickback scheme. It was like he was selling narcotics and doing this whole. It was a big, huge thing that.

0:35:58 - (Tawni Nguyen): He was like a whole ring.

0:36:00 - (Dr. Leslie): It was a huge ring that started.

0:36:01 - (C): Like, I think, in the east coast.

0:36:03 - (Dr. Leslie): And it all, I guess, got illuminated. I heard all this, like, way after the fact from some guy in the ring getting murdered or something.

0:36:11 - (C): I don't know. I don't know.

0:36:12 - (Dr. Leslie): Whatever. It was very crazy and weird, and it was just like this big old crazy trickle down effect.

0:36:15 - (C): Yeah. So.

0:36:16 - (Dr. Leslie): But no, in the middle of that, having met this individual and just going through all the trauma and separating from my parents and the trouble I had with my ex and raising my two kids, it was just all of a sudden, it was time. I've been wanting this. I've known that I was supposed to awaken since as long. For as little as I could remember. I knew when I was five, I had to do something really big and important.

0:36:39 - (Dr. Leslie): I was always fascinated with the metaphysical. I had, like, really crazy, wild, bliss out experiences. When I was a teen, I started meditating. I tried channeling spirits, like, all this stuff. When I was, like, a preteen teen. I started zen meditating when I was.

0:36:54 - (Tawni Nguyen): Like, 14, trying to go to the fifth dimension.

0:36:56 - (Dr. Leslie): Oh, yeah, totally. I'm, like, meditating the most buddhist book and the most abstract. I'm reading and making no sense. I'm like, okay, I'll try to picture black. I'll try to picture black behind my eyeballs. I actually did pretty well, considering I was 14 and I had a crazy, wild, anxious mind. It was actually pretty cool, but, yeah. So I was prepping for this for a long, long time. And so it was, like, several years of just crazy ups and downs and all this stuff. And so now I'm on the other side of the.

0:37:32 - (Dr. Leslie): So I know ascension never ends, and people may challenge me on this, but my major ascension is over. The part where I'm over the dark night of the soul is done. So I call that, like, stage two. Stage one is, like, the prep work where we're interested and we go run naked in front of the moon, and we're into zodiacs and astrology and all those fun things that make us feel connected. Those are all important.

0:37:56 - (Dr. Leslie): And we're trying to meditate, and then we get like, shit gets real. We're like. We have all the chakra experiences and all the wild things and the existential crisis, and we get to the other.

0:38:06 - (C): Side, and we're like, okay, I'm awake now.

0:38:10 - (Dr. Leslie): What do I do as a being that's aware of energy and blah, blah, blah. So I'm on this expansion phase, and this is where I was telling you.

0:38:17 - (C): I'm kind of, like, I'm very integrated.

0:38:20 - (Dr. Leslie): With my sort of more authentic higher self, if you will, and continuing to expand.

0:38:26 - (C): I'm, like, in the expansion phase, and.

0:38:28 - (Dr. Leslie): I'm, like, life hacking my physical body. That's, like, this part. I'm all about living forever.

0:38:34 - (C): Define longevity.

0:38:36 - (Dr. Leslie): Define the physical aging process.

0:38:39 - (C): Okay.

0:38:40 - (Dr. Leslie): Life hacking my physical body.

0:38:41 - (C): Yeah.

0:38:42 - (Tawni Nguyen): How does that look like for you? What are you doing for yourself?

0:38:45 - (C): For myself?

0:38:46 - (Dr. Leslie): Well, are you doing it on a.

0:38:47 - (Tawni Nguyen): Molecular level, or are you doing it on, like, an organ. Blood vessel?

0:38:52 - (Dr. Leslie): Yeah. So I speak with my body a lot. Like, I have a lot of intention, right? Because everything is inside. So I use a lot of just language with myself, and that's very different than what other people experience in the western world. I don't want to age. I don't believe that I have to age. We know that we don't have to age. There's a lot of people that don't age and that can reverse age.

0:39:15 - (C): So I don't subscribe to that.

0:39:18 - (Dr. Leslie): I've just separated myself from those belief systems, not just in my mind, but in my consciousness.

0:39:24 - (C): I just don't agree with them.

0:39:26 - (Dr. Leslie): So I experiment. I'm like a mad scientist, right? So I always go all in with what I'm doing. So when I believe in something, I just go in, and I know that these things happen, that everything happens from our consciousness.

0:39:40 - (C): So I want to, at minimum, slow.

0:39:43 - (Dr. Leslie): My aging, if not arrest it and or reverse it. So I'm playing with the power of my consciousness and harnessing the power of my mind to separate myself from those constructs and see what happens.

0:39:53 - (C): I've done pretty well, I think.

0:39:55 - (Dr. Leslie): I mean, even before these other modalities that have come into place.

0:39:58 - (C): But now I'm doing more physical things.

0:40:04 - (Dr. Leslie): The diet that kind of came into my life. Shout out to Lorenzo for throwing me into it. The carnivore diet has been super crazy for me. Shit got real for me with this. Like, I came into, really, my full wholeness, and it was like this crazy, amazing sort of arrival. And then I started doing this carnivore diet, which is basically eating fat and.

0:40:28 - (C): Meat, and that's it. It's like the lions diet has completely changed my physiology my mood, things that.

0:40:39 - (Dr. Leslie): I wasn't even expecting to happen. All I wanted was to stop fighting with my physical body because I had all these sugar cravings. And since I was a girl, I did ballet and all of these. I was very athletic, and I always wanted sugar. I could not stop sugar. Sugar is like. It's the worst thing in the world. It is so evil.

0:40:58 - (Tawni Nguyen): It's an addiction.

0:40:59 - (C): It is.

0:40:59 - (Dr. Leslie): It's so evil. It's so destructive to the body on every level. Carbohydrates are just so bad. And I wanted to just not fight. I want to be at peace with my physical body because there was peace inside. I finally found peace in my mind from all of the mental struggles I went through. It's like it's time for me to manifest this in my physical body.

0:41:18 - (C): So this carnivore diet came up, and.

0:41:21 - (Dr. Leslie): I'm like, oh, shit, that sounds good. Okay. I understood that when I would have sugar cravings.

0:41:27 - (C): Sorry.

0:41:28 - (Dr. Leslie): When I would eat a ton of fat, like a big, fatty steak, I wouldn't have sugar cravings for three, four days. I remember telling my friend who, we have sugar addictions. We literally, for eight years, when we'd see a new package of candy on the shelf, we wouldn't talk to each other for sometimes months. We'd take a fucking picture of the sugar candy and we'd send it to the other. Oh, my God, I'm trying this tonight. I'll let you know how it is over the pandemic.

0:41:53 - (Dr. Leslie): We were going to start, like, a podcast or YouTube channel reviewing candies. Like, that's how bad it. Yeah, yeah, no, we were like, whores for candy. It's like, pay us in candy. It was like, we love the candy, so. But I would tell him, I'm like, okay, you need to eat more fats. And he's a muscle competitor, too. So I did bikini muscle competitions. And so I'm like, we just need to eat more fat. Eating peanut butter, I would eat nut butter as my main butter and clean chicken that is so under fat.

0:42:24 - (Dr. Leslie): So I'm like, that's the reason why I did this, is because I just wanted to not fight my body, and I wanted to start seeing. I felt like the first step to me being able to heal my body and heal the inflammation because I get bloated guts and a little bit more mood stability, too. I wanted more clarity because my memory wasn't always so good and hormone regulation, too, because my hormones were a little bit off and you need fat. So I'm like, this makes fucking sense.

0:42:50 - (C): Okay. There's some research, although people think it's problematic. Let me tell you, I'm not going.

0:42:57 - (Dr. Leslie): To get too graphic on the camera.

0:42:59 - (C): Get graphic?

0:43:00 - (Dr. Leslie): I can get graphic. Okay. I heard you've only talked about blow jobs. We're going to talk about all of the bodily functions on your show. No, for real. The parasites that came out were intense and awful.

0:43:19 - (C): Really?

0:43:19 - (Dr. Leslie): Yes. So I know people don't always believe in parasites. No, this is for real. The stuff that I passed after the first couple of days when the sugar.

0:43:28 - (C): Cravings stopped, literally, the stuff that came out of me was.

0:43:35 - (Dr. Leslie): Again, I'm a scientist. I'm a researcher. I'm a nurse practitioner. So I've had my fingers in more vaginas and assholes and people's poops than I would care to share. So looking at the toilet was not a big deal for me. But, oh, my God, the stuff that.

0:43:50 - (C): I would see was repulsing, repulsive.

0:43:55 - (Dr. Leslie): And parasites are consciousness too, right? And so it was so crazy that as I was passing this, my clarity was happening. I could observe my thoughts better. Like, the mind jargon shit that used to just go by unnoticed. I'm like, whoa, what is that? No, we're not thinking that. What the fuck are you guys all thinking? No, we're not doing any of that. Like, my awareness is on point and my memory has gotten better already.

0:44:24 - (C): And I also passed a kidney stone.

0:44:27 - (Dr. Leslie): Apparently, the oxalates from all the vegetables and the nuts and all the things that I would eat were building up. And then as I was not having the oxalates, it was shrinking and it passed through. And I was in LA at a malanga because I Argentina tango in the middle of it. I bent over like, oh, my God, my insides are being torn apart. Go to the bathroom. I pee. Nothing happens. Just excruciating burning. I go sit down. Like, two minutes later, I'm like, I'm bent over. I had to go back. Nothing came out, except all of a.

0:44:58 - (C): Sudden I'm dripping blood.

0:44:59 - (Dr. Leslie): And then I feel, like, this scratching. And then.

0:45:05 - (C): It felt like relief, like.

0:45:07 - (Dr. Leslie): The spasm was done. And then I was just in pain. And then it subsided. All of it subsided. And so I'm, like, researching, like, what the fuck happened? I'm in LA. I don't know what to do.

0:45:17 - (Tawni Nguyen): What the fuck kind of Uti is this?

0:45:19 - (Dr. Leslie): Yeah. I'm like, what toilet seat did I sit on that? I got this raging of a UTi. No, you can't get a UtI. It sounds funny, but you can't so, no, it just passed. So then I'm reading about it and chatting with people, and they're like, no, this is like, what happened, the oxalates, and I started peeing, like, swirly white in my urine.

0:45:42 - (C): It's just my body was completely decompressing.

0:45:46 - (Dr. Leslie): And chelating, like getting rid of all the garbage. So I'm like, three weeks on it.

0:45:51 - (C): Now, and I don't have the aches and pains.

0:45:55 - (Dr. Leslie): All of the things that I read that, I was like, I don't care about that. Whatever. Sleeping, muscle painment, whatever, it's like, I just don't want to fight my body with sugar. I don't want to be a sugar whore anymore. I don't want to be, like, secretly eating candy at night and hiding sugar wrappers for my kids when I'm telling them don't eat sugar. And so I don't eat sugar anymore because I don't have everything. After everything died, I don't have that pull anymore.

0:46:22 - (Dr. Leslie): But all the other benefits that other people have, I have. Now. I'm like, oh, shit, that's right. I'm going back and reading.

0:46:28 - (C): I'm sleeping solid.

0:46:30 - (Dr. Leslie): Like, literally, I ate a pound of.

0:46:33 - (C): Brisket yesterday, and it was amazing.

0:46:36 - (Dr. Leslie): And I eat butter. I remember getting shamed by my mother. I was under the table eating butter with my finger, like, fingering the butter into my mouth under the table. Get up from under there. Put the butter back on the table. You're not supposed to eat that. So bad for you. My six year old knew I needed to do that. I eat butter for breakfast.

0:46:55 - (C): Yeah.

0:46:56 - (Dr. Leslie): I eat butter and meat, and I'm like, eating the cartilage of the fucking chicken bones.

0:47:03 - (C): Yeah.

0:47:04 - (Dr. Leslie): And it's so good, and I feel so satiated, and I've lost weight, not trying. Like I said, my mood is better, my hormones are regulating all these awesome benefits. So already my body is detoxing and clearing, and it's like, I feel like I'm at this reset point. So to answer your question, in a short version, is the diet is really important and being able to really have.

0:47:31 - (C): A clear, calm body.

0:47:34 - (Dr. Leslie): See, I have calm and peace in my heart. I have calm and peace in my mind. Now my body is calm, my digestion is calm, my sleep is calm. Everything is calm. Like, I used to sit in this twilight sleep for an hour or two where I would use for meditation. It really was my struggle, falling asleep. Now when I go to bed, before I go to bed, I have to eat food. I literally, except last night, I was super wired.

0:47:58 - (Dr. Leslie): But usually when I eat my meals I'm just like.

0:48:03 - (C): I can barely get my head on the pillow.

0:48:05 - (Dr. Leslie): And then I'm like passed out. That's not ever happened. So this calmness in my body is.

0:48:11 - (C): Really the beginning part of what I'm.

0:48:15 - (Dr. Leslie): Doing to life hack after that physically it's going to be all the peptides, it's going to be nad. I'm starting to do ivs at my clinic on myself. I used to do them a lot. So I'm going to be pushing more of that. I'm not really big into stem cells or any of that kind of thing. I don't think I need those outside pieces to help my physiology. But the supplementation and the gut brain access are like very important first things.

0:48:41 - (C): That I needed to work on.

0:48:42 - (Dr. Leslie): And that other people need to work on. If they're wanting to really life hack their body into longevity.

0:48:48 - (C): Yeah. So I think that comes with like.

0:48:51 - (Tawni Nguyen): Magnesium and zinc deficiency too. That a lot of people are lacking, right. And having the ability to break down the protein structure. Since you're eating so much meat it takes a different chemical in your body. What's his name? I heard of his story.

0:49:04 - (C): Was it Tony Horton has like a.

0:49:07 - (Tawni Nguyen): New supplement or something like that. It's like synthesized with b three vitamin and some other thing to where he lost his body. Like all of his muscle mass. Is it scarcelpenia or something like that? It's just like your muscle is just deteriorating anyways. But that's something I'm going to send you to look at to see if that's like a realistic thing. It's because I geek out on certain protein synthesis and peptides and all of that stuff too.

0:49:33 - (Dr. Leslie): Yeah, peptides. So I didn't do so much in the clinic that I was in. I'm starting to look at them. I definitely know the utility. I know people that have used them in the clinics and whatnot. So that's probably what I'll look at dabbling into. But maybe I won't need to. Because if I can really harness my.

0:49:50 - (C): Own conscious power to regenerate, I may not need them.

0:49:53 - (Dr. Leslie): But I'm always up for as we learn. Because this is all in chartered territory. Us being able to control our physiology. Once we step into understanding our consciousness and harnessing the power of our mind.

0:50:06 - (C): Anything is really possible.

0:50:08 - (Dr. Leslie): We can manifest anything physically. Why can't we manifest anything physically in our body? But I do believe that sometimes we need crutches. Just like we need a little botox or filler for now to keep our faces looking good, right? Until we can get to a certain place where maybe we don't need that. So there's supplements.

0:50:27 - (C): Minerals are really the biggest thing.

0:50:29 - (Dr. Leslie): People don't realize that they're deficient of vitamins. Everyone talks about vitamins. I'm taking a multi. It's like the main thing. The minerals are where people need to be focusing. If they don't know anything about minerals.

0:50:45 - (C): They'Re in a big, big trouble. Like get on trace minerals yesterday because.

0:50:51 - (Dr. Leslie): That will begin to gently chelate your body. Giving yourself. I mean go under the recommendation of a practitioner when you're taking these things, but you want to take at least your daily dose. You can even push it a little bit higher. Again under the discretion of your practitioner. This is not medical advice. Disclaimer. I'm not medical advice. But you can actually start pushing off some of those chemicals that we've taken on and start chelating your body and allowing your cells to regenerate and replicate more normal again. So minerals like super important.

0:51:23 - (C): Yeah.

0:51:23 - (Tawni Nguyen): Especially antioxidants, anti inflammatories to push out like the heavy metals.

0:51:27 - (C): The heavy metals are everywhere.

0:51:29 - (Dr. Leslie): Yeah, I mean just we're showered with jet fuel every day. Especially right here in Vegas. We're absorbing that in our skin, we're inhaling. It's like all over us. We need to be constantly mineralizing ourselves.

0:51:40 - (C): And hyper mineralizing to bump that shit.

0:51:43 - (Dr. Leslie): Off of us because that's leading to our deterioration. And no one's eating purely organic. But even organic food doesn't have the nutrients we need in it anyways because the soil doesn't have it. Even if you're eating vegetables better flour. I mean what minerals are you really getting from that shit anymore when the soil has like nothing in it? Organic. Fine, you're not getting the pesticide, but are you even getting what, the nutritional.

0:52:10 - (C): Value out of it? No.

0:52:11 - (Tawni Nguyen): How do you feel about the water here in Vegas? Speaking about mineralize and reverse osmosis, kankin.

0:52:17 - (Dr. Leslie): Chlorine is the next evil next to sugar. And I just don't like drinking any water that has chlorine, anything in it. So whether it's Vegas water or any water, I don't drink anything with chlorine in it.

0:52:32 - (C): So how do you drink your.

0:52:35 - (Dr. Leslie): So I used to have a really high end filtration system.

0:52:38 - (C): I get water. I just buy water from somewhere.

0:52:41 - (Dr. Leslie): Or I'll get filtered water or I'll filter my. I just.

0:52:46 - (C): I don't like how in the US we use chlorine to clean our mean, it's so mean.

0:52:55 - (Dr. Leslie): I went with my kids yesterday to the discovery museum, and it said, big, huge sign.

0:53:02 - (C): This water is cleaned with chlorine every.

0:53:07 - (Dr. Leslie): Day from one to three, and it runs through the water system. This kills viruses, and blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, okay, so you're advertising.

0:53:17 - (C): That chlorine in the water kills viruses.

0:53:20 - (Dr. Leslie): It's that strong to kill an organism. And we are okay as a population to be consuming that in our water.

0:53:28 - (C): Yeah. Knowing that we're 70% water, too, and.

0:53:31 - (Dr. Leslie): Knowing that it can destroy tissue like a living organism, like a virus and parasites and whatever.

0:53:38 - (C): Yeah, I don't want to put that in my mouth.

0:53:43 - (Dr. Leslie): I like to put a lot of things on outside. I don't like to put chlorine in my mouth.

0:53:46 - (C): Like ghost cut.

0:53:48 - (Dr. Leslie): Sure. Like meat and butter and those things.

0:53:54 - (Tawni Nguyen): I'll take you up on that. Because sometimes I know it's like a really carnival craving too.

0:53:58 - (C): Like, I love a good steak, like, well seasoned pound of it. Right.

0:54:03 - (Tawni Nguyen): Because how does your diet look like? So you eat a pound of meat a day?

0:54:07 - (Dr. Leslie): No, it was in one sitting. Okay. No, because I was hungry.

0:54:13 - (C): I didn't eat all day.

0:54:15 - (Dr. Leslie): When you eat an enormous amount of fat, you satiate very quickly. Okay, so I will pound two big ribs. I can usually only pound two ribs. And then I'm like, pretty done. I mean, I ate a whole pound of brisket in front of my kids. I was like, no, this is all for me. You eat your own food. This is my precious. Definitely. You have your brisket burger. You're not carnivore yet. This is all for me. Children.

0:54:52 - (Dr. Leslie): No, I was very hungry, so I put, like, a pound of the brisket back.

0:54:56 - (C): No, I had bacon and eggs this morning.

0:55:00 - (Dr. Leslie): I had, I think, a rib and a big beef rib. And I don't know, however much brisket I had. And I'll probably have some pork ribs or something before bed. I don't know. I'm full. The fat satiates you and all the protein satiates you. So I don't have to eat every 3 hours. If I have a big meal at.

0:55:18 - (C): Nighttime, I won't want to eat till.

0:55:21 - (Dr. Leslie): Sometimes two the next day. Like, I'll just do an intermittent fasting. And I don't believe in intermittent fasting just because I'm so full. I have so much nutrients. You get so much nutrients from all.

0:55:31 - (C): Of this stuff from the skin and the cartilage and all of collagen.

0:55:37 - (Dr. Leslie): The real shit that we're getting buying.

0:55:39 - (Tawni Nguyen): Powders for I refuse to pay for that shit.

0:55:42 - (Dr. Leslie): Dude, those collagen peptides, we were just talking about this today. I'm like, what do you think about collagen peptides? I have a fucking jar of it. I guess I'll use it because I paid like $900 for a fucking vat of it. Ribs. I probably got more in one rib than I have in like, four cups of that shit.

0:55:58 - (Tawni Nguyen): But whatever.

0:55:59 - (C): I mean, I'll use it.

0:56:01 - (Tawni Nguyen): But you see how fucking western culture commercializes something like an ingredient that's in nature, in the food you eat and sell it back to you at a fucking premium, and it's processed as shit. So you're not really getting technically everything you're supposed to get anyways, right?

0:56:14 - (C): Yeah. Fucked up.

0:56:15 - (Dr. Leslie): Well, and it's crazy because this is like a new thing, a new realization. So I'm not speaking as an expert. I'm just speaking from a scientist going through an experiment with myself.

0:56:23 - (C): But this has fucked me up in.

0:56:26 - (Dr. Leslie): Such a good way. This is an experiment that has gone way better than I could have ever expected. I just wanted one and a half things from this, and I got, like, eight. This is mind blowing. And I feel so good, and I dropped weight. I'm not even trying. I'm like, jesus, when your body gets fat, it's so simple. When your body gets fat, it doesn't have to hold on to the brown fat. It's just going to get rid of it because it knows it's getting some. It's that starvation mode thing, right? I was just starving it. So it's trying. It's like, I know this bitch ain't going to give me fat, so I'm going to tell her to eat sugar.

0:56:59 - (Dr. Leslie): So I was craving sugar, and it's now, like, I totally switched my body's like, okay, she finally learned we don't want sugar. We don't need sugar. We just want fat.

0:57:09 - (C): And so everything is just operating.

0:57:11 - (Dr. Leslie): My brain, my hormones, like my sleep, everything is falling into place.

0:57:15 - (C): So it's a cool phenomenon.

0:57:18 - (Dr. Leslie): It's maybe not for everyone. I know it's not western medicine.

0:57:21 - (C): Kosher.

0:57:22 - (Dr. Leslie): Like, western medicine wants you to eat the vegetables and all of the things.

0:57:25 - (C): But there's more research coming out on.

0:57:28 - (Dr. Leslie): Carnivore diet and the long term effects, and they try and scare you about the high cholesterol and what can happen. But if you don't have the sugar sticking to the fat, how are you.

0:57:41 - (C): Going to get a clogged artery when.

0:57:44 - (Dr. Leslie): We'Re literally shredding and losing weight? I don't understand how you can look.

0:57:50 - (C): Like chiseled and die of a heart attack.

0:57:54 - (Dr. Leslie): I've never seen that personally. Unless someone's had a heart defect, that's not what a person with a heart attack looks like. You know what I mean? The information that we have as a population is just very one way. I'm not going to say it's the.

0:58:12 - (C): Wrong way because I don't want to get shot.

0:58:14 - (Dr. Leslie): Don't feel like getting shot.

0:58:16 - (C): No.

0:58:18 - (Dr. Leslie): But there are other ways that might.

0:58:20 - (C): Work, and.

0:58:25 - (Dr. Leslie): I found one that's really pretty phenomenal. And I'm very skeptical of everything. Like, I downplayed this. I'm like, maybe this is. Maybe this is coincidental.

0:58:35 - (C): Whatever.

0:58:36 - (Dr. Leslie): Objectively, this has been Pretty wild.

0:58:43 - (C): If I recommend something, I would recommend.

0:58:45 - (Dr. Leslie): Someone to try it.

0:58:46 - (C): If they are under the advisement of a practitioner.

0:58:50 - (Dr. Leslie): I wouldn't necessarily have somebody. It's not medical advice.

0:58:53 - (Tawni Nguyen): I'm just going to take an advice from a friend.

0:58:55 - (Dr. Leslie): Yes, friend to friend. Not medical advice.

0:58:59 - (Tawni Nguyen): Not medical advice.

0:59:01 - (Dr. Leslie): Unlicensed territory.

0:59:03 - (C): I'm speaking as an unlicensed person.

0:59:05 - (Dr. Leslie): As a friend. Exactly. I would recommend you as my friend, should give it a try.

0:59:10 - (Tawni Nguyen): Thank you.

0:59:10 - (Dr. Leslie): And I will share whatever wisdom I have with you.

0:59:15 - (Tawni Nguyen): Yeah, that's good. I think that's an alignment on your transformation, too, because you're talking about that working through your evolution of self and spirit and now healing.

0:59:24 - (C): Right.

0:59:24 - (Tawni Nguyen): And all the modality. And I wouldn't even think it comes.

0:59:26 - (C): From a carnivore diet.

0:59:28 - (Dr. Leslie): It's the exact opposite. It's so funny conversation, too, because I was so plant based a long time ago, my son gave me shit. He's like, are you still vegan? I'm like, firstly, son, I never was vegan. Thank you. I was low protein. I did supplement. It was some tofu. But I love him. Love him to pieces. He busted my balls all the time. But no, I was like, very plant based for a long time, and it made me feel good. And that's what you're supposed to do in the spiritual community.

0:59:59 - (Dr. Leslie): And then as I was starting to bridge back into my body and having to bridge. Okay, so, Leslie, your purpose is to bridge the gap for people between where they are and where they need to go. And I had to go from one fucking hell all the way up to escapism to figure out, okay, I know how to bridge this so that you don't have to get all screwed up on your path. I can just help you along the bridge. Here we go. Nice and gentle.

1:00:25 - (Dr. Leslie): And when I started to understand that that's my role here, is to be this sort of helping people live their mastery and have this total transformation and their interconnection, their mind and their physical body. I started to eat more meat and more meat and more meat. And like I said, I was intending, I want to step into this higher sort of octave of myself, and I want to life hack my physical body or body hack my way to longevity.

1:00:55 - (Dr. Leslie): This sort of diet fell into my lap, and it's kind of been like, okay, this is next level. It's totally not at all what I expected.

1:01:04 - (C): Meat, meat.

1:01:06 - (Dr. Leslie): But apparently some people have said it's like the Christ consciousness diet. It's like what the lions eat. It's what we originally came from. It's like actually the divine way of eating. It's what we as humans were eating before we had to. Before there was no meat, and we had no choice but to start making bread and eat vegetables. We had to start eating them because there just wasn't enough to go around at the population. So it's not really natural.

1:01:37 - (C): Yeah, it's not really natural. You're going to get a thick effort.

1:01:42 - (Dr. Leslie): With a shit ton of butter on it and salt. You got to drown the shit out of that bit. Exactly. And it all makes sense. It's like where I came into my consciousness, what I've been intending, what I was trying to manifest, and this diet comes in and it just bubbled me up. I'm like, oh, it's right. My gut, my intuition is telling me this is right.

1:02:01 - (C): It must be right.

1:02:03 - (Dr. Leslie): Whether it's truly the lines that, whether the facts of where it came from, it doesn't matter to me.

1:02:08 - (C): It's right to me.

1:02:09 - (Dr. Leslie): I know it's right. It resonates with me. It all aligns with what I'm wanting to do. And obviously, I experimented. It's giving me more than I expected.

1:02:18 - (C): It's right.

1:02:19 - (Dr. Leslie): So it's right for me, in alignment with what I'm trying to create and with what I'm doing for my path. Maybe it's not for everybody, maybe plant based is better.

1:02:27 - (C): But for me and what I'm creating, what my soul wants to do, this.

1:02:32 - (Dr. Leslie): Shit is for real, and it's for me.

1:02:34 - (Tawni Nguyen): As long as you feel good in your body, you should just honor it.

1:02:37 - (Dr. Leslie): The fight is done.

1:02:38 - (Tawni Nguyen): The fight is done.

1:02:39 - (Dr. Leslie): Like the sugar cravings, my body's like, it's at peace.

1:02:43 - (C): Like, I'm finally, like, I'm home. My body's like, you took you this long?

1:02:51 - (Dr. Leslie): How old are you? God, you're slow, but at least we arrived know. So it's like I finally have this peace. So it's very beautiful. I'm very grateful that I've been able to create that in my life.

1:03:03 - (Tawni Nguyen): Bessel got tired of carrying you through all this fucking traumatic shit, really.

1:03:07 - (Dr. Leslie): I know we have one body, and I really try and treat my body like a temple and take care of it as best I can.

1:03:14 - (C): And now that, yeah, I've put it.

1:03:16 - (Dr. Leslie): Through so much stress going through what I went through, and it's really time.

1:03:19 - (C): To honor it and not, yes, honor.

1:03:22 - (Dr. Leslie): It because it's a part of me.

1:03:24 - (C): But because, really, I want to be.

1:03:26 - (Dr. Leslie): An example for other people, and I want to create impossible things for myself and then share them with other people. If it works for me, it might work for them. I may not know everything. We're always evolving. There's always new levels of things to unlock. But I'm a little crazy like that. So I'm in this ride to figure.

1:03:45 - (C): Out what works and what maybe doesn't. I think that was the attunement of how we met. I think it didn't just, like, you.

1:03:57 - (Tawni Nguyen): Know what I'm saying? Like, our frequency just didn't pass each.

1:04:00 - (C): Other that one day without it being a. Yeah. Yes. Yeah.

1:04:05 - (Dr. Leslie): We sat down. We chatted for a little bit.

1:04:06 - (C): Yeah.

1:04:07 - (Dr. Leslie): I think we're just bullshitting. Wasn't even anything important. It wasn't anything super, not frufy, not fluffy, but just totally, like, three dimensional, random shit. Bullshitting. We're just bullshitting like two Summerlin girls.

1:04:25 - (Tawni Nguyen): And look at this. Transpires of energy, of how the frequency of attunement, like, we're on now, right?

1:04:31 - (Dr. Leslie): Yeah.

1:04:31 - (Tawni Nguyen): That's why I think it's really powerful that once you kind of do the work and once you're in your divine and my divine and we're in our higher self, that's how we kind of connect to each other, too.

1:04:40 - (Dr. Leslie): Yes.

1:04:40 - (Tawni Nguyen): Because you can't talk to everyone about this kind of stuff.

1:04:42 - (Dr. Leslie): I know.

1:04:43 - (Tawni Nguyen): Resources, knowledge, beliefs.

1:04:45 - (C): Yeah, I didn't.

1:04:46 - (Tawni Nguyen): Ideologies. Whatever.

1:04:48 - (Dr. Leslie): Right. It's so funny, because I texted you an hour before. I'm like, and what are we talking about on your podcast today? And you're like, whatever. These are kind of the topics, or these are what the genres. I'm like, okay, this is kind of what I do. And you're like, okay, that sounds cool. I had no idea that you had your existential cris and all these things. I need to have you on my podcast. We need to talk about your shit.

1:05:15 - (Dr. Leslie): We can share each other because it gets emotional.

1:05:20 - (Tawni Nguyen): Constipation is real.

1:05:23 - (C): We're free.

1:05:25 - (Dr. Leslie): Yeah.

1:05:25 - (C): Feels so good.

1:05:26 - (Dr. Leslie): And it's so great because there's so many. I'm going to ask you. I'm going to turn the table a little bit. Being a beautiful woman in this town. There it is. That's all you have to say. Thank you for the validation. Right? You're seen, for one thing, and you're like, there's so much inside you don't even know.

1:05:48 - (C): You don't even see.

1:05:49 - (Dr. Leslie): You don't even know. What's that like for you? Your experience? When you're in your space, it doesn't matter. Like, the people outside don't matter. And you don't really get reflected back to you. People who come at you. What's that song? Back in the scrubs? I don't want no scrubs. Scrubs. Whatever. My God, that's so throwback.

1:06:12 - (C): Yeah, but, yeah.

1:06:14 - (Dr. Leslie): What is it like for you being beautiful in this town of all of the crazy men and energy and things and beings and what's.

1:06:24 - (C): It's been your experience?

1:06:26 - (Tawni Nguyen): I just don't think I attract that kind of energy is because I think that was the ego part of me in my 20s because I was a bartender, so that's all I attracted. And it definitely shifted the way I looked at myself. Is that validation through just using the shell to get validation? Right, exactly. What you're saying is just people only see you for the shell, and no one really gives a fuck who you are.

1:06:47 - (Tawni Nguyen): Your intelligence, morals, ethics, like, anything that matters, for fuck's sake.

1:06:51 - (C): Right?

1:06:51 - (Tawni Nguyen): Like, if everything was to be dissolved and looks fade and all of that.

1:06:55 - (C): Stuff, but to be transparent, it's just.

1:06:57 - (Tawni Nguyen): I don't think people see beauty in the light, that it should be seen. It's like the beauty is in the soul. It's like the character and the values.

1:07:06 - (C): Of a person, not the fucking skin bag. Right?

1:07:09 - (Tawni Nguyen): And we spend a lot of times kind of chasing that validation, too. And I myself can speak highly of.

1:07:14 - (C): That because I think I was bullied.

1:07:16 - (Tawni Nguyen): As a kid, so I never saw myself as, like, a beautiful person or girl. And I was always chasing to be the popular girl or doing all of these things to get external validation. And I never felt worthy of myself until after my existential crisis is that I saw myself from the shit that.

1:07:33 - (C): I had to go through, and I saw it. That it's not from a point of.

1:07:38 - (Tawni Nguyen): Judgment in other women, right? Because everyone's beauty in their own way. And everyone just kind of goes through different phases. Kind of like how you brought up the dark night of the soul. But sometimes you ask yourself, you're like, is it just me going through this shit? Or how bad are other people's shit? Or is my shit this bad?

1:07:55 - (C): Does it take you to the point.

1:07:58 - (Tawni Nguyen): Of almost, like you said, finding an exit? Is the exit like a self inflicted exit? The only way I can get out of this, right? Or how do you bounce back from that? And I think that was the true beauty of the moment that I felt bliss was when I got out of that.

1:08:13 - (C): Bliss is the word. It's peace.

1:08:18 - (Tawni Nguyen): And yes, I just don't think people, they take it for granted because they only kind of see you for the shell. And not a lot of people want to validate you for your soul because they can only go as deep as they are within themselves, and you can't really be a magnet for that. So I repel a lot of people is because authenticity isn't really for everyone.

1:08:36 - (C): So that's how I answer it, right?

1:08:39 - (Dr. Leslie): And that's so beautiful, and that's how I feel it, and that's how it used to be where I would get so much of that. And then there's a time when things shifted. I'm like, oh, I don't really get.

1:08:47 - (C): Any of that anymore.

1:08:48 - (Dr. Leslie): I just had realized, I'm like, oh.

1:08:50 - (C): I don't really get that kind of bullshit.

1:08:53 - (Dr. Leslie): Which is beautiful, but it's very interesting.

1:08:56 - (C): I've pondered this, why I being in.

1:09:02 - (Dr. Leslie): This sort of more enlightened state, if you will, more awake state, I should.

1:09:05 - (C): Say, why I'm here in this city.

1:09:08 - (Dr. Leslie): Where there's so much heaviness, and maybe you were drawn here. There's more of us that are coming here.

1:09:13 - (C): I think maybe it's to lighten up this place.

1:09:16 - (Dr. Leslie): But, man, I've been here 17 years.

1:09:20 - (C): There has been a lot of darkness.

1:09:23 - (Dr. Leslie): Man, there's a lot of dark underbelly to this place.

1:09:26 - (C): But that's what we're here for.

1:09:28 - (Dr. Leslie): We're slowly trying to radiate and help people through their processes too, I guess.

1:09:33 - (C): But it's a very interesting place to.

1:09:37 - (Dr. Leslie): Be in this city. But at the same time, it's fun because being pretty, we know who we are, but we can also play with our outside because we can't deny our physical appearance. We are physical beings, and that's important, especially with the things that we want to do. Being podcast hosts and doing all the things that we want to do. There is a place for that and it's okay. It's just if you don't want to identify with it and try to achieve through just the outside, you use it as an accessory, like you put on an earring.

1:10:08 - (C): The outside is just sort of a.

1:10:10 - (Dr. Leslie): Nice sort of judging. You judge yourself to just give yourself a little bit of an edge. Like, guys will do their hair, and girls, we just kind of pretty ourselves.

1:10:20 - (C): Up, but we don't make our existence about it.

1:10:22 - (Dr. Leslie): There's a lot of the opposite of that here.

1:10:25 - (C): I think that's where a lot of.

1:10:26 - (Tawni Nguyen): Females maybe are still stuck. It's just at the superficial level of who they are.

1:10:32 - (C): Right.

1:10:32 - (Tawni Nguyen): And only validating themselves as much as they look.

1:10:35 - (C): That's it.

1:10:37 - (Tawni Nguyen): It's kind of sad to say. I'm not saying we're here to change the collective shift or opening up the mindset of being comfortable in your own skin, because it took me 33 years to understand that fully.

1:10:48 - (C): Right. So it's definitely work.

1:10:51 - (Tawni Nguyen): It's inner work, shadow work, reparenting work, all of that.

1:10:56 - (C): Yeah.

1:10:57 - (Dr. Leslie): And they all have choice. We can. We can be lights, we can hold.

1:11:01 - (C): Energy or space for them just by.

1:11:03 - (Dr. Leslie): Being in our space, but they absolutely need to make the choice that we have no control over.

1:11:10 - (C): Yeah, it's like that saying, you can.

1:11:14 - (Dr. Leslie): Take a horse to water, but you can't make them drink.

1:11:16 - (C): Right? So as enough of us kind of.

1:11:19 - (Dr. Leslie): Come together and shine our light, hopefully they will just finally be in front of the water one day, and they'll be thirsty enough that they will just choose to.

1:11:28 - (Tawni Nguyen): Matt, like, right before this, he was talking about change overall through sobriety and all of that stuff, too. And he's just like, the first step.

1:11:35 - (C): Is awareness, second step is the decision.

1:11:38 - (Tawni Nguyen): And then from now on, the third thing is just being intentional. So I think that's just what we are is constantly intentional with who we want to be from now on. That's the people we attract, and that's it.

1:11:49 - (Dr. Leslie): That is so beautiful. Intention is really. Yeah, it's everything. Once you know that you have that choice, once you know you can intend and you can just do that intention. Everything that I do, I try to do from a place of conscious intention. I don't just want to do something.

1:12:08 - (C): Because, yes, if it feels right, I'll.

1:12:12 - (Dr. Leslie): Do it, but I'm doing it because it feels right. The intention is I'm aligning with something that I want, and this is obviously aligning with one of the intentions that I have.

1:12:19 - (C): But I try to operate all of.

1:12:22 - (Dr. Leslie): The time from a place of intention. When I speak. I try to speak with intention.

1:12:26 - (C): I intend with an underlying reason, with.

1:12:30 - (Dr. Leslie): As much clarity as possible. That's a really great point.

1:12:34 - (Tawni Nguyen): Live life by design, not by default, right?

1:12:36 - (Dr. Leslie): Yes.

1:12:37 - (C): That's taking back your.

1:12:38 - (Dr. Leslie): That's empowering power to empower. That is.

1:12:44 - (C): You have the ability, the power to.

1:12:47 - (Dr. Leslie): Create what you intend to.

1:12:50 - (C): Yeah, it's great. Damn. How did we go from ghost cock to empowerment?

1:12:56 - (Dr. Leslie): Spirituality?

1:12:58 - (Tawni Nguyen): Went deep.

1:13:01 - (Dr. Leslie): We did that. Ghost off.

1:13:02 - (Tawni Nguyen): Went deep.

1:13:04 - (Dr. Leslie): And we're back.

1:13:06 - (Tawni Nguyen): And we're back to our fucking shit show.

1:13:10 - (Dr. Leslie): The spirits have left the building. And we're back.

1:13:13 - (C): Yes. That's cute.

1:13:16 - (Dr. Leslie): It's so fun. But this is real. And it's funny because the last podcast.

1:13:20 - (C): I spoke, know, I have my fan base.

1:13:23 - (Dr. Leslie): They're like, oh, my God, Dr. Leslie, you are so real. Like, you talk about everything and you swear and you joke about sexuality.

1:13:30 - (C): You talk, but we still are real.

1:13:32 - (Dr. Leslie): Just because we are awake. We're not prudes. This is humor. You have to laugh. You have to poke fun at our own humanity. We have to joke around. I mean, I'm a jokester. You can't be too serious. I used to be so fucking serious, it created anxiety. It's like, no, this is my pathway. Being human and real. It's funny, and this is real. I think being just crazy girl talk, whatever.

1:14:07 - (Tawni Nguyen): I honor that humility, actually.

1:14:09 - (C): People kind of.

1:14:11 - (Tawni Nguyen): I feel like they envy us or something because a lot of people can't be themselves. Like, they're holding in a fart, like, all the time. Like, dude, relax. What the fuck? Relax.

1:14:21 - (Dr. Leslie): Right a little bit.

1:14:23 - (Tawni Nguyen): Loosen up your jaw. They're so tight.

1:14:26 - (Dr. Leslie): Yeah, I know. When I was a nurse practitioner for so long, I just hated that I couldn't be myself in public. Like, I had this title. It's like I had this label on me, and I just was like, oh, my God, get it off. Because I felt like I couldn't be me. And now it's like I'm so myself and I'm not in the traditional setting and all the things. I just get to be me. I can talk spiritually.

1:14:47 - (C): I can talk about science.

1:14:49 - (Dr. Leslie): I can talk about crazy parasites, passing parasites, and fecal matter and ghost cock and whatever else, and it's all in the same wheelhouse. It's all the same. We're real humans. These are all part of our experience and our knowledge base. It's not like one is better.

1:15:06 - (C): Oh, my God.

1:15:07 - (Dr. Leslie): I can't believe she said she can't be spiritual or awake when she talks like that.

1:15:11 - (C): You don't get it.

1:15:13 - (Dr. Leslie): It's about authenticity and connecting inward. It's not what you say or how you say or have to wear a.

1:15:17 - (C): Monk'S robe and have a bag of.

1:15:20 - (Dr. Leslie): Rocks and rub them.

1:15:21 - (Tawni Nguyen): Or beads.

1:15:23 - (Dr. Leslie): Yeah, I used to wear those beads all the time, and they started sweating. I just like, 100 and whatever degree, weather, they were so sacred to me.

1:15:32 - (C): I'm like, I am it.

1:15:34 - (Dr. Leslie): I don't need the exterior things to remind me of who I am or what I am or whatever. So it's so great to find someone that's like me in that way where you can just talk about every single. But no, this is so real. So I honor you.

1:15:54 - (Tawni Nguyen): Yeah, I honor journey.

1:15:55 - (Dr. Leslie): Oh, my God.

1:15:59 - (Tawni Nguyen): I acknowledge you for being here today, fully present in your power as your highest self, your goddess, your divine. Anything else? Is that like licking your vagina too much?

1:16:10 - (Dr. Leslie): A little bit. A little bit on the backside? No, it's good. No, that's fine. Thank you. No, it feels so great to have.

1:16:21 - (C): Been here with you and chat about.

1:16:24 - (Dr. Leslie): All of the things and all of the craziness and all the important things. And hopefully your listeners got something very valuable out of today.

1:16:31 - (C): Yeah. Cool.

1:16:32 - (Tawni Nguyen): Well, that's it for us today. I hope you enjoy and took away.

1:16:36 - (Dr. Leslie): Know from Dr. Leslie or not.

1:16:40 - (Tawni Nguyen): You can find me on IG at Tonosaurus again. This is fit and frugal, and you.

1:16:44 - (C): Can find her at the next level.

1:16:46 - (Dr. Leslie): Podcast with Dr. Leslie. I'm on Spotify and all of the big platforms.

1:16:51 - (C): You'll find me. Peace.